Wooly Travels
Over the last couple months we have crossed the Atlantic four times and I've traveled by ferry up to 60 North Latitude (Shetland). We...

Fleecy Fieldtrip Notes
Highland Wool Fest May 26th we caught the bus to Strathpeffer for a day with fiber artists, dyers, spinners, weavers and felters. ...

Changing Seasons - Time for more knitting
Madainn mhath! We returned from a long visit to Iowa at the end of September. We met up with my friend JoAnne and then the two of us...

Madainn mhath! It is hard to believe I have been in Inverness for two months. There are times when I am brought up short and think "I'm...

A New Path
Madainn mhath! I've been sitting on this email for quite some time. A little over two years ago now I met a man in Scotland and who knew...
I see that I haven't made any blogs posts for quite a while and so much has changed. At the end of May I closed the doors on R. Rabbit's...

Blogging slacker!
I know I said I would be blogging our way through Scotland, but seriously! By the time we're done for the day I'm bushed and the wifi has...

Stitching with Jane - R. Rabbit's Jane Austen SAL
Start the new year off right, with a Jane Austen Stitch Along and Read Along. I have been thinking of doing this for a while now and am...

Fall into color!
I have been having a great time this autumn playing with color and getting out of my color box. I'm creating a Fall color story this...

The Rabbit is back on the bicycle.
It's time for the Tour de France which means it is also time for the Tour de Fleece and the rabbit is back on the bicycle. Saturday, July...