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The Rabbit is back on the bicycle.

It's time for the Tour de France which means it is also time for the Tour de Fleece and the rabbit is back on the bicycle.

Saturday, July 2nd we revved up our wheels and started spinning for the Ravelry Tour de Fleece.

We have a team of 14 this year. I love this event because it is a fun social event and our challenges are individual. R. Rabbit’s only rule is to have fun spinning. Set your goals and have fun and if you don’t reach them all you celebrate what you did accomplish.

This year my personal challenge is to finish projects begun in previous Tours. I have a variety of projects in line: basically finishing projects from previous years.

I still have pounds of Eileen to work through.  Sunday I combed up several rovings with the Peasant Combs.  I don't feel like I even made a dent. But spinning off a combed preparation is so nice.

I still have pounds of Eileen to work through. Sunday I combed up several rovings with the Peasant Combs. I don't feel like I even made a dent. But spinning off a combed preparation is so nice.

Saturday I revved up with my little Reeves castle wheel.

I'm spinning some fiber from last year: an alpaca/CVM wool blend from Fiber Curio and Sundries. Ellen and Wanda are a dab hand at blending fibers and dyeing.

Check out my Facebook page and see what else we've been working on.

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